Intrepid Slash: Deal 3 consecutive attacks on multiple enemies in front of you.Physical Training: Permanently increases STR and DEX through sheer physical training.Final Attack: Chance to deliver an additional hit after a direct attack skill.Agile Arms: Increases Attack Speed and Strength.Weapon Mastery: Increase Sword and Axe Mastery and Attack Speed.Spirit Blade: The sword and the spirit are united to improve the Attack Power of party members including yourself for a short time, and reflect a multiple of the damage that you receive.(Right-click to toggle the Combo Orb Effect on/off) Combo Attack: When activated, grants a chance to add each attack to the Combo Orb, up to 5.(New!) Flash Blade: Zip forward in a flash, cutting enemies in your path.Brandish: Perform a double attack on enemies in front of you.Also grants a chance to resist knockback. Warrior Mastery: Trains up your warrior basics to increase Movement Speed, Jump, Max HP, and Max Movement Speed.Iron Body: Boosts DEF and Max HP by a set percentage, and decreases damage taken when hit by enemies.Leap Attack: Ambush the enemy by rapidly dropping to ground from mid-air.Upward Charge: Charge through the air to attack the enemy.The higher the skill, the farther the jump.

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